Viva La Vulva

Vulva Diversity and Awareness

Applications Now Open…

WELCOME courageous womxn to Viva la Vulva!

The multi author book set to change paradigms for vulva diversity and awareness!

Kiara and I have a dream to erase the shame and trauma we hold around the look, size, shape, smell and taste of our vulvas and we need your help.

We are calling in 30 vulvas to make this book happen so gather your besties and get your pussies out to immortalize them for an epic cause.


Maven Press $200AUD - (paid on application in full or by payment plan).

Sacred Casting $300AUD - to be booked and payment arranged direct with Kiara for your casting appointment

What you need to do:

Complete this application to secure your placement

Book your vulva casting session with Kiara

Write your 500-800 word letter to your vulva and email to by agreed date (TBC)

What is included - MAVEN PRESS


Editing, typesetting, interior formating, proofing, printing and global distribution.

*Professional photography of your cast for the book.

*You can include your name as a contributing author, or remain anonymous

You must sign of our authority distribution agreement by the deadline TBA

Copies of the finished book at wholesale price

You get to be involved in a seriously exciting project

What is included - SACRED CASTING


Vulva casting appointment with Kiara

Sanding and preparation of your vulva cast ready for photography

Your cast to keep as a souvenir of this exciting project.

$1 from every book sold will go to a women's charity of our choosing (TBC)

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We look forward to immortalizing your vulvas and calling in 30 courageous woman willing to brave all for body inclusion and diversity!